Write an issue

Write an issue

If you stumble across an error, have an improvement suggestion or a feature request, feel free to write an issue to let us know what's on your mind.

How to write issues

Before you write an issue, please perform a quick search and have a look if your concern has already been mentioned. If so, you can vote for this issue. Basically, there are two different categories of issues: bugs and feature requests.

A bug should always be reproducible. When reporting it, please list every step you or your customer took leading up to it so that a developer can verify the existence of the problem with just a few clicks. If you've received an error message, you should provide information about that as well, preferably via a screen shoot. Every detail you can provide helps.

A feature request should always be born out of a need. To help us understand the request best, you should start by describing this need. Then, you should bring up one (or more) possible solutions (of course only in words, not in code, as we're talking about issues here ;-)). Don't be afraid to add any supporting photos which could help us understand the solution you're describing.

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