Working with source code and contributions

Working with source code and contributions

Checking out source code

BaseEAM manages a repository at GitHub (https://github.com/baseeam). So you can always check out the latest source code! Git SCM (Source Code Management) access is public and allows you to fetch in real time the latest version of BaseEAM! It allows you to follow daily BaseEAM developments and improvements. Get the latest patches, fixes without waiting for the next release. If you're not familiar with Git, there's a good and free documentation here. Also find more info about GitHub support here.

Branch Descriptions and Naming

We are using Vincent Driessen's branching model (seen here: http://nvie.com/posts/a-successful-git-branching-model/) including the use of feature branches, a development branch (for integration) and a master branch (for publishing/production).

  • Production branch: master
  • Development branch: develop
  • Feature and issue branches: Should start with "feature" or "issue". It should be followed by issue ID (according to our Github issue list) and some friendly name (example, "inventory"). Finally, it should look like "feature-34-inventory" or "issue-35-inventory-receipt-bug"
  • Release branches: Should start with "release". It should be followed by version number (example, "3.00"). Finally, it should look like "release-3.00"

Forking and submitting pull requests

If you want to contribute some source code to BaseEAM core (issue fix or some new feature), then you should follow the next approach. Here is a short list of steps to contribute:

  • First of all, you have to create a fork. Please find more about repository forking on GitHub at https://help.github.com/articles/fork-a-repo/.
  • Clone it locally.
  • Create a new branch from "develop". Please always create a new branch for each contribution. You should create it from our "develop" branch only. Do not use "master".
  • Write the code and push back to your GitHub fork.
  • Create pull request. Please read more about it at https://help.github.com/articles/using-pull-requests/. And please always sync with our repository before doing it.

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