Service Request Workflow

A Service Request (SR) will be routed by the following workflow:

  1. An Operation Staff will take information from the Requestor (by phone call, email, etc...) and create a SR to log it to the system. 
  2. The Operation Staff will Submit the SR to Operation Manager to Review. The Workflow will send a message to the Requestor to notify that the SR was received.
  3. The Operation Manager can Approve the SR to move it to Execution, then she will create a Work Order to resolve this SR. The Workflow will send a message to the Requestor to notify that the SR is executing.
  4. The Operation Manager can also Cancel the SR if it's a duplication or false information.
  5. After the Work Order is closed, the SR can be closed and a message will be sent to the Requestor.
NOTEOperation Staff and Operation Manager are Security Groups that were set up in BaseEAM.